Ionic Mobile Dev

Segfaulting Shibish

Ish Mahdi, Marcus Ng, and Gordon Lei

Ionic Framework

Ionic Docs

What is Ionic?

Ionic is an HTML5 mobile app development framework used to create hybrid mobile apps (iOS, Android, and Windows). Users develop apps using HTML, CSS (SCSS), and JS (TS).

How does it work?

Ionic relies on two dependencies:


Different simulators are displayed in your browser. They reflect live changes to code.

Hybrid Apps



Ionic View

Ionic View allows developers to share their apps before they are released on the app stores. It also allows developers to A/B test their apps to figure out which version their users like more. Users are able to submit feedback with screenshots and comments. This is an alternative to Apple’s TestFlight, which is used to collect feedback on unreleased iOS apps. Compared to TestFlight, however, Ionic View enables developers to go around the iOS App Review Board by skipping Apple’s app review process to test their app. If developers used TestFlight, the iOS App Review Board would have to review their app first to make sure it complies with Apple’s strict app guidelines.

App Example: Market Watch

Market Watch was created using the Ionic Framework. Notice the similar user interfaces of the iOS and Android versions of the app.

The left column is iOS, while the right is Android.

More Top Ionic Apps

Demo Code


Demo Code Repo

How to view + use demo code:

We will be mainly focusing on the TS (typescript) and html aspects with ionic. Thus, before you should remember to import the necessary files in your .ts file. For what features the demo code shows, it is necessary to import / do:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ActionSheetController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { AlertController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { App, MenuController } from "ionic-angular";

Our demo code will teach you how to make these features of ionic: